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Macau: 24th of June 1622

In the 17th century, Macau was a strategic entrepôt for the Portuguese maritime commerce in Asia. Since 1601, and with the desire to control this lucrative business, the Dutch made several attempts to take over Macau. While they failed in their endeavour, they were, however, quite close to being successful! 


On the dawn of June 24, 1622, a Dutch fleet of 13 vessels was off the coast of Macau. While two Dutch vessels conducted a feint attack by bombarding the bastion of São Francisco, around 800 Dutch troops disembarked in Cacilhas Beach. In charge of protecting the beach was a small group of Portuguese and filhos da terra (local Macanese), under the command of António Rodriguez Cavalinho. C. Reijersen, the captain leading the Dutch fleet, would be wounded at the start of the attack, even though this did not hamper the advancing Dutch troops.


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Man from the West (possibly Dutchman). 17th Century. Granite sculpture. Orient Museum, Lisbon (Portugal)

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When the Dutch troops reached the foothill of Guia Hill, the barrels of gunpowder they carried were hit by a cannon ball, mathematically shot from the unfinished Mount Fortress by the Jesuit Priest Jeronimo Rho. Amidst the confusion, the troops disbanded and ran back towards Cacilhas Beach, where many were killed or drowned.


Such a miraculous victory took place on the Day of Saint John the Baptist, who was declared Patron Saint of the city by a vote of the municipality and the population. Since then, the Senate vowed to organize an annual procession and a novena in honour of this historical event, in addition to all other celebratory initiatives. The 24th of June was henceforth the Day of the City of Macau and a holiday until 1999. 

Leaflet ‘Leal Senado’. Edited by Leal Senado. June 2, 1940



Gomes, L. G. (2010) Páginas da História de Macau. R.A.E Macau: Instituto Internacional de Macau.

Boxer, Charles R. (1991) Estudos para a História de Macau. Séculos XVI a XVIII. Vol.1, book 1. Portugal: Fundação Oriente.

Boxer, Charles R. (1926) 24 de Junho de 16[22]: Uma façanha dos portugueses. Boletim da Agência Geral das Colónias.

Teixeira, Pdr. Manuel (1976) Os Militares em Macau. Macau: Imprensa Nacional.

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